
| 我可以使一个“ 0”对象以十六进制输出整数
std::cout << std::hex << 0xabc; //prints `abc`, not the base-10 representation
std::cout << std::base(4) << 20; //I want this to output 110
如果有一个,那么我没有其他问题了。 如果没有,那我可以写一个吗?是否不需要我访问“ 0”的私有实现详细信息? 请注意,我知道我可以编写一个接受数字并将其转换为字符串的函数,该字符串以任何基数表示该数字。或者,我可以使用已经存在的一种。我问的是自定义流操纵器-它们可能吗? 提前致谢     
        您可以执行以下操作。我已对代码进行了注释,以解释每个部分的功能,但本质上是这样的: 创建一个\“ manipulator \”结构,使用
在流中存储一些数据。 创建一个自定义
构面,该构面将查找您的操纵器并应用操纵。 这是代码... 编辑:请注意,我不确定我在这里是否正确处理了
标志-因为我实际上不知道其用途。 编辑2:我找出ѭ7的含义,并更新了代码来处理。 编辑3:在
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>

namespace StreamManip {

// Define a base manipulator type, its what the built in stream manipulators
// do when they take parameters, only they return an opaque type.
struct BaseManip
    int mBase;

    BaseManip(int base) : mBase(base)
        assert(base >= 2);
        assert(base <= 36);

    static int getIWord()
        // call xalloc once to get an index at which we can store data for this
        // manipulator.
        static int iw = std::ios_base::xalloc();
        return iw;

    void apply(std::ostream& os) const
        // store the base value in the manipulator.
        os.iword(getIWord()) = mBase;

// We need this so we can apply our custom stream manipulator to the stream.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BaseManip& bm)
    return os;

// convience function, so we can do std::cout << base(16) << 100;
BaseManip base(int b)
    return BaseManip(b);

// A custom number output facet.  These are used by the std::locale code in
// streams.  The num_put facet handles the output of numberic values as characters
// in the stream.  Here we create one that knows about our custom manipulator.
struct BaseNumPut : std::num_put<char>
    // These absVal functions are needed as std::abs doesnt support 
    // unsigned types, but the templated doPutHelper works on signed and
    // unsigned types.
    unsigned long int absVal(unsigned long int a) const
        return a;

    unsigned long long int absVal(unsigned long long int a) const
        return a;

    template <class NumType>
    NumType absVal(NumType a) const
        return std::abs(a);

    template <class NumType>
    iter_type doPutHelper(iter_type out, std::ios_base& str, char_type fill, NumType val) const
        // Read the value stored in our xalloc location.
        const int base = str.iword(BaseManip::getIWord());

        // we only want this manipulator to affect the next numeric value, so
        // reset its value.
        str.iword(BaseManip::getIWord()) = 0;

        // normal number output, use the built in putter.
        if (base == 0 || base == 10)
            return std::num_put<char>::do_put(out, str, fill, val);

        // We want to conver the base, so do it and output.
        // Base conversion code lifted from Nawaz\'s answer

        int digits[CHAR_BIT * sizeof(NumType)];
        int i = 0;
        NumType tempVal = absVal(val);

        while (tempVal != 0)
            digits[i++] = tempVal % base;
            tempVal /= base;

        // Get the format flags.
        const std::ios_base::fmtflags flags = str.flags();

        // Add the padding if needs by (i.e. they have used std::setw).
        // Only applies if we are right aligned, or none specified.
        if (flags & std::ios_base::right || 
            !(flags & std::ios_base::internal || flags & std::ios_base::left))
            std::fill_n(out, str.width() - i, fill);

        if (val < 0)
            *out++ = \'-\';

        // Handle the internal adjustment flag.
        if (flags & std::ios_base::internal)
            std::fill_n(out, str.width() - i, fill);

        char digitCharLc[] = \"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\";
        char digitCharUc[] = \"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\";

        const char *digitChar = (str.flags() & std::ios_base::uppercase)
            ? digitCharUc
            : digitCharLc;

        while (i)
            // out is an iterator that accepts characters
            *out++ = digitChar[digits[--i]];

        // Add the padding if needs by (i.e. they have used std::setw).
        // Only applies if we are left aligned.
        if (str.flags() & std::ios_base::left)
            std::fill_n(out, str.width() - i, fill);

        // clear the width

        return out;

    // Overrides for the virtual do_put member functions.

    iter_type do_put(iter_type out, std::ios_base& str, char_type fill, long val) const
        return doPutHelper(out, str, fill, val);

    iter_type do_put(iter_type out, std::ios_base& str, char_type fill, unsigned long val) const
        return doPutHelper(out, str, fill, val);

} // namespace StreamManip

int main()
    // Create a local the uses our custom num_put
    std::locale myLocale(std::locale(), new StreamManip::BaseNumPut());

    // Set our locacle to the global one used by default in all streams created 
    // from here on in.  Any streams created in this app will now support the
    // StreamManip::base modifier.

    // imbue std::cout, so it uses are custom local.

    // Output some stuff.
    std::cout << std::setw(50) << StreamManip::base(2) << std::internal << -255 << std::endl;
    std::cout << StreamManip::base(4) << 255 << std::endl;
    std::cout << StreamManip::base(8) << 255 << std::endl;
    std::cout << StreamManip::base(10) << 255 << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::uppercase << StreamManip::base(16) << 255 << std::endl;

    return 0;
        您确实有两个独立的问题。我想您正在询问的那个问题完全可以解决。不幸的是,另一个则不是这样。 在流中分配和使用一些空间来保持某些流状态是可以预见的问题。流具有几个成员(
),这些成员使您可以在流中的数组中分配位置,并在其中读取/写入数据。这样,流操纵器本身是完全可能的。您基本上会使用ѭ4来在流的数组中分配一个点来保存当前基数,插入运算符在转换数字时将使用该点。 我看不到解决方案的问题相当简单:标准库已经提供了一个ѭ16来将ѭ17插入流中,并且它显然不知道您的假设数据为转换奠定了基础。您不能重载它,因为它需要与现有签名完全相同的签名,因此您的重载将是模棱两可的。
        我试图编写代码,但它有一些限制。正如其他人(尤其是@Jerry)所指出的那样,它不是流操纵器,因此根本不可能。 这是我的代码:
struct base
   mutable std::ostream *_out;
   int _value;

   base(int value=10) : _value(value) {}

   template<typename T>
   const base& operator << (const T & data) const
        *_out << data;
        return *this;
   const base& operator << (const int & data) const
            case 2:  
            case 4:  
            case 8:  return print(data);
            case 16: *_out << std::hex << data; break;
            default:  *_out << data; 
        return *this;
   const base & print(int data) const
        int digits[CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int)], i = 0;
             digits[i++] = data % _value;  
             data /= _value;
        while(i) *_out << digits[--i] ;
        return *this;
   friend const base& operator <<(std::ostream& out, const base& b)   
       b._out = &out;
       return b;
int main() {
   std::cout << base(2) << 255 <<\", \" << 54 << \", \" << 20<< \"\\n\";
   std::cout << base(4) << 255 <<\", \" << 54 << \", \" << 20<< \"\\n\";
   std::cout << base(8) << 255 <<\", \" << 54 << \", \" << 20<< \"\\n\";
   std::cout << base(16) << 255 <<\", \" << 54 << \", \" << 20<< \"\\n\";
11111111, 110110, 10100
3333, 312, 110
377, 66, 24
ff, 36, 14
在线演示:http://www.ideone.com/BWhW5 局限性: 基本不能更改两次。所以这将是一个错误:
std::cout << base(4) << 879 << base(8) << 9878 ; //error
std::cout << base(4) << 879 << std::hex << 9878 ; //error
std::cout << std::hex << 879 << base(8) << 9878 ; //ok
std::cout << base(4) << 879 << std::endl ; //error
//that is why I used \"\\n\" in the test code.
        我不认为任意流都可以使用语法(使用操纵器,@ gigantt链接了显示一些替代性非操纵器解决方案的答案)。标准操纵器仅设置在流内部实现的选项。 OTOH,您当然可以使以下语法起作用:
std::cout << base(4, 20);
其中“ 25”是提供流插入运算符的对象(无需返回临时“ 32”)。     
