
| 我正在尝试用Pygame(Python)编写本教程,并且遇到关于在平面之间保持点的问题。 我的代码是 向量类别 如果在Pygame屏幕上移动鼠标,飞机将旋转。当飞机旋转时,点将通过飞机并向外移动。 我试图在每次迭代中固定点的位置,但是它们仍然通过了飞机。我不知道该在哪里固定他们的位置。 注意:我知道我的代码有点混乱,这是我的第一个2d程序,我真的很难适应Pygame的坐标平面和向量。解决此问题后,我将重新编写。 注意2:是的,我在教程中写了关于如何在平面之间保持点的注释,我了解他固定位置的方式,但是不知道如何(在代码中)实现它。 谢谢。     
我看不出来看代码。我的猜测是时变的,导致不稳定。但是我无法验证数学是否正确。虽然,我有有用的信息: 向量 通过将向量用作类与列表/元组,可以简化代码。 (速度,加速度,位置)视为一个对象,请分别使用.x和.y值。
# example:
pos[0] += vel[0]
pos[1] += vel[1]

# vs
pos += vel
有一个仅python的实现:euclid.py您可以用来与vector.py进行比较。 或在openGL中使用NumPy [用于3d图形。 ]是一个流行的,成熟的库。 物理 (看来您想通过编写自己的物理学来学习),但请查看PyMunk 颜色 您可以使用:pygame.Color
import pygame
from pygame import Color
color = Color(\'white\')
color2 = Color(\'lightgray\')
color3 = Color(0,128,128)
碰撞 查看pygame.sprite。* collide和pygame.Rect。* collide pygame游戏循环与numpy vector \'s 我写的样板
\"\"\" Pygame boilerplate. <ninmonkey>2011/04
        pygame main Game() loop, and numpy for vector math.

        this might not be the most effecient way to use numpy as vectors, but it\'s an intro.

        And this does not force fixed-timesteps. If you want a stable simulation, you need to use a fixed timestep.

    ESC : exit
    Space : game_init()

import pygame
from pygame.locals import * 
from pygame import Color, Rect

import numpy as np

def get_screen_size():
    \"\"\"return screen (width, height) tuple\"\"\"
    screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
    return screen.get_size()

class Actor():
    \"\"\"basic actor, moves randomly.

        loc = position vector
        velocity = velocity vector
        width, height        
    def __init__(self, loc=None, velocity=None):
        \"\"\"optional initial loc and velocity vectors\"\"\"
        self.width = 50
        self.height = 50

        # if loc or velocity are not set: use random
        if loc is None: self.rand_loc()
        else: self.loc = loc

        if velocity is None: self.rand_velocity()
        else: self.velocity = velocity

    def update(self):
        \"\"\"update movement\"\"\" 
        self.loc += self.velocity

    def rand_velocity(self):
        \"\"\"set a random vector , based on random direction. Using unit circle:        
                x = cos(deg) * speed
        rad = np.radians( np.random.randint(0,360) )
        speed = np.random.randint(1,15)
        x = np.cos(rad)
        y = np.sin(rad)
        velocity = np.array( [x,y])
        velocity *= speed
        self.velocity = velocity 

    def rand_loc(self):
        \"\"\"random location onscreen\"\"\"
        width,height = get_screen_size()
        x = np.random.randint(0,width)
        y = np.random.randint(0,height)
        self.loc = np.array([x,y])

    def is_onscreen(self):
        \"\"\"test is screen.colliderect(actor) true?\"\"\"
        x,y = self.loc
        w,h = get_screen_size()

        screen = Rect(0, 0, w, h)
        actor = Rect(x, y, self.width, self.height)

        if screen.colliderect(actor): return True
        else: return False

class GameMain():
    \"\"\"game Main entry point. handles intialization of game and graphics.\"\"\"
    done = False
    debug = False
    color_gray = Color(\'lightgray\')

    def __init__(self, width=800, height=600, color_bg=None):
        \"\"\"Initialize PyGame\"\"\"        
        self.width, self.height = width, height
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(( self.width, self.height ))
        pygame.display.set_caption( \"boilerplate : pygame\" )        

        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        self.limit_fps = True
        self.limit_fps_max = 60  

        if color_bg is None: color_bg = Color(50,50,50)       
        self.color_bg = color_bg


    def game_init(self):
        \"\"\"new game/round\"\"\"
        self.actors = [Actor() for x in range(10)]

    def loop(self):
        \"\"\"Game() main loop\"\"\"
        while not self.done:

            if self.limit_fps: self.clock.tick( self.limit_fps_max )
            else: self.clock.tick()

    def update(self):        
        \"\"\"update actors, handle physics\"\"\"
        for a in self.actors:

            if not a.is_onscreen():

    def handle_events(self):
        \"\"\"handle regular events. \"\"\"        
        events = pygame.event.get()
        # kmods = pygame.key.get_mods() # key modifiers

        for event in events:
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit()
            elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if (event.key == K_ESCAPE): self.done = True
                elif (event.key == K_SPACE): self.game_init()

    def draw(self):
        \"\"\"render screen\"\"\"
        # clear screen
        self.screen.fill( self.color_bg )

        # Actor: draw
        for a in self.actors:
            x,y = a.loc
            w,h = a.width, a.height
            r = Rect(x, y, w, h)
            self.screen.fill(self.color_gray, r)

        # will call update on whole screen Or flip buffer.

if __name__ == \'__main__\':
    g = GameMain()
